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[Base de donnée d'Exploits et Vulnerabilités ]

offline :

  • MSF-Search
  • → msf> search platform:windows port:135 target:XP type:exploit
  • Nmap vulners
  • → nmap –script nmap-vulners -sV -p 443
  • Nmap vuln
  • → nmap -Pn -n -sV -oN vulnnmapoutput.txt –script vuln
  • Windows Exploit Suggester
  • → pip install xlrd –upgrade
  • → apt install python3-xlrd
  • → ./windows-exploit-suggester.py –update
  • → python windows-exploit-suggester.py –database 2020-07-27-mssb.xls –systeminfo sysinfo.txt
  • Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation (WES-NG)
  • → python wes.py –update
  • → python wes.py sysinfoTarget.txt
  • List only vulnerabilities with exploits, excluding IE, Edge and Flash
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt –exploits-only –hide “Internet Explorer” Edge Flash
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt -e –hide “Internet Explorer” Edge Flash
  • Only show vulnerabilities of a certain impact
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt - -impact “Remote Code Execution”
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt -i “Remote Code Execution”
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt -i “Elevation of Privilege”
  • Only show vulnerabilities of a certain severity
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt –severity critical important
  • → wes.py systeminfo.txt -s critical

online :

Finding more information regarding the exploit

trouver_des_exploits_publique.txt · Dernière modification: 2024/05/17 14:53 par M0N5T3R