Outils d'utilisateurs

Outils du Site


Net 3

#include "../common/common.c"
#define NAME "net3"
#define UID 996
#define GID 996
#define PORT 2996
* Extract a null terminated string from the buffer 
    int get_string(char **result, unsigned char *buffer, u_int16_t len)
    unsigned char byte;
    byte = *buffer;
    if(byte > len) errx(1, "badly formed packet");
    *result = malloc(byte);
    strcpy(*result, buffer + 1);
    return byte + 1;
* Check to see if we can log into the host
    int login(unsigned char *buffer, u_int16_t len)
    char *resource, *username, *password;
    int deduct;
    int success;
    if(len < 3) errx(1, "invalid login packet length");
    resource = username = password = NULL;
    deduct = get_string(&resource, buffer, len);
    deduct += get_string(&username, buffer+deduct, len-deduct);
    deduct += get_string(&password, buffer+deduct, len-deduct);
    success = 0;
    success |= strcmp(resource, "net3");
    success |= strcmp(username, "awesomesauce");
    success |= strcmp(password, "password");
    return ! success;
void send_string(int fd, unsigned char byte, char *string)
    struct iovec v[3];
    u_int16_t len;
    int expected;
    len = ntohs(1 + strlen(string));
    v[0].iov_base = &len;
    v[0].iov_len = sizeof(len);
    v[1].iov_base = &byte;
    v[1].iov_len = 1;
    v[2].iov_base = string;
    v[2].iov_len = strlen(string);
    expected = sizeof(len) + 1 + strlen(string);
    if(writev(fd, v, 3) != expected) errx(1, "failed to write correct amount of bytes");
void run(int fd)
    u_int16_t len;
    unsigned char *buffer;
    int loggedin;
    while(1) {
        nread(fd, &len, sizeof(len));
        len = ntohs(len);
        buffer = malloc(len);
        if(! buffer) errx(1, "malloc failure for %d bytes", len);
        nread(fd, buffer, len);
        switch(buffer[0]) {
            case 23: 
            loggedin = login(buffer + 1, len - 1);
            send_string(fd, 33, loggedin ? "successful" : "failed");
            send_string(fd, 58, "what you talkin about willis?");
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp)
    int fd;
    char *username;
    /* Run the process as a daemon */
    background_process(NAME, UID, GID);  
    /* Wait for socket activity and return */
    fd = serve_forever(PORT);
    /* Set the client socket to STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERR */
    /* Don't do this :> */

Le but est d'envoyer un message sous le bon format pour que le programme nous affiche successful.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import telnetlib
ressource = "net3"
username = "awesomesauce"
password = "password"
HOST = ""
PORT = 2996
t = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)
strSend  = "\x17"
strSend += "%c%s\x00" % (chr(len(ressource)+1), ressource)
strSend += "%c%s\x00" % (chr(len(username)+1), username)
strSend += "%c%s\x00" % (chr(len(password)+1), password)
strSend = "\x00" + chr(len(strSend)) + strSend
print "Send : %s" % repr(strSend)
print t.read_some()
exploit_exercises_protostar/net3.txt · Dernière modification: 2017/04/09 15:33 (modification externe)