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🛠 sonarqube https://www.sonarqube.org/

🛠 VisualCodeGrepper (VCG) - https://sourceforge.net/projects/visualcodegrepp/

🛠 [Application Inspector](https://www.ptsecurity.com/ww-en/products/ai/) :copyright: - Commercial Static Code Analysis which generates exploits to verify vulnerabilities. Supports: Java (including JSP and JSF), C#, VB.Net, ASP.NET, Php, JavaScript, Objective-C, Swift, C\C++, SQL (PL/SQL. T-SQL. MySQL), HTML5

🛠 [AppScan Source](https://www.hcltechsw.com/wps/portal/products/appscan/home) :copyright: - Commercial Static Code Analysis. Supports: Microsoft .NET Framework (C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET), ASP (JavaScript/VBScript), C/C++, COBOL, ColdFusion, JavaScript, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java™ (including support for Android APIs), Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, T-SQL, Visual Basic 6

🛠 [APPscreener](https://appscreener.us) :copyright: - Static code analysis for binary and source code - Java/Scala, PHP, Javascript, C#, PL/SQL, Python, T-SQL, C/C++, ObjectiveC/Swift, Visual Basic 6.0, Ruby, Delphi, ABAP, HTML5 and Solidity

🛠 [ArchUnit](https://www.archunit.org/) - Unit test your Java or Kotlin architecture

🛠 [Axivion Bauhaus Suite](https://www.axivion.com/en/products-services-9#products_bauhaussuite) :copyright: - Tracks down error-prone code locations, style violations, cloned or dead code, cyclic dependencies and more for C/C++, C#/.NET, Java and Ada 83/Ada 95

🛠 [Checkmarx CxSAST](https://www.checkmarx.com/products/static-application-security-testing/) :copyright: - Commercial Static Code Analysis which doesn't require pre-compilation. Supports: Android (Java), Apex and VisualForce, ASP, C#, C/C++, Go, Groovy, HTML5, Java, JavaScript, Node.js, Objective C, Perl, PhoneGap, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala, Swift, VB.NET, VB6, VBScript

🛠 [coala](https://coala.io/) - Language independent framework for creating code analysis - supports [over 60 languages](https://coala.io/languages) by default

🛠 [Cobra](http://spinroot.com/cobra/) :copyright: - Structural source code analyzer by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Supports C, C++, Ada, and Python.

🛠 [codeburner](https://github.com/groupon/codeburner) - Provides a unified interface to sort and act on the issues it finds

🛠 [CodeFactor](https://codefactor.io) :copyright: - Static Code Analysis for C#, C, C++, CoffeeScript, CSS, Groovy, GO, JAVA, JavaScript, Less, Python, Ruby, Scala, SCSS, TypeScript.

🛠 [CodeIt.Right](https://submain.com/products/codeit.right.aspx) :copyright: - CodeIt.Right™ provides a fast, automated way to ensure that your source code adheres to (your) predefined design and style guidelines as well as best coding practices. Supported languages: C#, VB.NET.

🛠 [CodeScene](https://empear.com/) :copyright: - CodeScene prioritizes technical debt, finds social patterns and identifies hidden risks in your code.

🛠 [cqc](https://github.com/xcatliu/cqc) - Check your code quality for js, jsx, vue, css, less, scss, sass and styl files.

🛠 [Coverity](https://www.synopsys.com/software-integrity/security-testing/static-analysis-sast.html) :copyright: - Synopsys Coverity supports 20 languages and over 70 frameworks including Ruby on rails, Scala, PHP, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Fortran, C, C++, C#, VB.NET.

🛠 [DeepSource](https://deepsource.io/) :copyright: - In-depth static analysis to monitor source code quality and security. Supports Python and Go and can detect 600+ types of issues in verticals of bug risks, security, anti-patterns, performance, documentation and style. Native integration with GitHub.

🛠 [Depends](https://github.com/multilang-depends/depends) - Analyses the comprehensive dependencies of code elements for Java, C/C++, Ruby.

🛠 [DevSkim](https://github.com/microsoft/devskim) - Regex-based static analysis tool for Visual Studio, VS Code, and Sublime Text - C/C++, C#, PHP, ASP, Python, Ruby, Java, and others.

🛠 [Fortify](https://software.microfocus.com/en-us/products/static-code-analysis-sast/overview) :copyright: A commercial static analysis platform that supports the scanning of C/C++, C#, VB.NET, VB6, ABAP/BSP, ActionScript, Apex, ASP.NET, Classic ASP, VB Script, Cobol, ColdFusion, HTML, Java, JS, JSP, MXML/Flex, Objective-C, PHP, PL/SQL, T-SQL, Python (2.6, 2.7), Ruby (1.9.3), Swift, Scala, VB, and XML.

🛠 [Goodcheck](https://github.com/sideci/goodcheck) - Regexp based customizable linter

🛠 [graudit](https://github.com/wireghoul/graudit) - Grep rough audit - source code auditing tool - C/C++, PHP, ASP, C#, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby

🛠 [Hound CI](https://houndci.com/) - Comments on style violations in GitHub pull requests. Supports Coffeescript, Go, HAML, JavaScript, Ruby, SCSS and Swift.

🛠 [imhotep](https://github.com/justinabrahms/imhotep) - Comment on commits coming into your repository and check for syntactic errors and general lint warnings.

🛠 [Infer](https://github.com/facebook/infer) - A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C

🛠 [Klocwork](http://www.klocwork.com/products-services/klocwork) :copyright: - Quality and Security Static analysis for C/C++, Java and C#

🛠 [Kiuwan](https://www.kiuwan.com/code-security-sast/) :copyright: - Identify and remediate cyber threats in a blazingly fast, collaborative environment, with seamless integration in your SDLC. Python, C\C++, Java, C#, PHP and more

🛠 [oclint](https://github.com/oclint/oclint) - A static source code analysis tool to improve quality and reduce defects for C, C++ and Objective-C

🛠 [pfff](https://github.com/facebook/pfff) - Facebook's tools for code analysis, visualizations, or style-preserving source transformation for many languages

🛠 [PMD](https://pmd.github.io/) - A source code analyzer for Java, Javascript, PLSQL, XML, XSL and others

🛠 [Pronto](https://github.com/prontolabs/pronto) - Quick automated code review of your changes. Supports more than 40 runners for various languages, including Clang, Elixir, JavaSCript, PHP, Ruby and more

🛠 [pre-commit](https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit) - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

🛠 [PT.PM](https://github.com/PositiveTechnologies/PT.PM) - An engine for searching patterns in the source code, based on Unified AST or UST. At present time C#, Java, PHP, PL/SQL, T-SQL, and JavaScript are supported. Patterns can be described within the code or using a DSL.

🛠 [PVS-Studio](https://www.viva64.com/en/pvs-studio/) :copyright: - a ([conditionally free](https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0614/) for FOSS and individual developers) static analysis of C, C++, C# and Java code. For advertising purposes [you can propose a large FOSS project for analysis by PVS employees](https://github.com/viva64/pvs-studio-check-list). Supports CWE mapping, MISRA and CERT coding standards.

🛠 [Reviewdog](https://github.com/haya14busa/reviewdog) - A tool for posting review comments from any linter in any code hosting service.

🛠 [Security Code Scan](https://security-code-scan.github.io/) - Security code analyzer for C# and VB.NET. Detects various security vulnerability patterns: SQLi, XSS, CSRF, XXE, Open Redirect, etc.

🛠 [Semmle QL and LGTM](https://semmle.com/) :copyright: - Find security vulnerabilities, variants, and critical code quality issues using queries over source code. Automatic PR code review; free for public GitHub/Bitbucket repo: [LGTM.com](https://LGTM.com).

🛠 [shipshape](https://github.com/google/shipshape) - Static program analysis platform that allows custom analyzers to plug in through a common interface

🛠 [SonarQube](http://www.sonarqube.org/) - SonarQube is an open platform to manage code quality.

🛠 [STOKE](https://github.com/StanfordPL/stoke) - a programming-language agnostic stochastic optimizer for the x86_64 instruction set. It uses random search to explore the extremely high-dimensional space of all possible program transformations

🛠 [Synopsys](https://www.synopsys.com/software-integrity/security-testing/static-analysis-sast.html) :copyright: - A commercial static analysis platform that allows for scanning of multiple languages (C/C++, Android, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Node.JS, Ruby, Fortran, and Swift)

🛠 [TscanCode](https://github.com/Tencent/TscanCode) - A fast and accurate static analysis solution for C/C++, C#, Lua codes provided by Tencent. Using GPLv3 license.

🛠 [Undebt](https://github.com/Yelp/undebt) - Language-independent tool for massive, automatic, programmable refactoring based on simple pattern definitions

🛠 [Veracode](http://www.veracode.com/products/static-analysis-sast/static-code-analysis) :copyright: - Find flaws in binaries and bytecode without requiring source. Support all major programming languages: Java, .NET, JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, C, C++ and more.

🛠 [WALA](http://wala.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) - static analysis capabilities for Java bytecode and related languages and for JavaScript

🛠 [WhiteHat Application Security Platform](https://www.whitehatsec.com/products/static-application-security-testing/) :copyright: - WhiteHat Scout (for Developers) combined with WhiteHat Sentinel Source (for Operations) supporting WhiteHat Top 40 and OWASP Top 10. Language support for: Java, C#(.NET), ASP.NET, PHP, JavaScript, Node.js, Objective-C, Android, HTML5, TypeScript.

🛠 [Wotan](https://github.com/fimbullinter/wotan) - Pluggable TypeScript and JavaScript linter

🛠 [XCode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/) :copyright: - XCode provides a pretty decent UI for [Clang's](http://clang-analyzer.llvm.org/xcode.html) static code analyzer (C/C++, Obj-C)

code_scanners.1570773485.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2019/10/11 07:58 par M0N5T3R