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Wireshark Un analyseur de paquets libre utilisé dans le dépannage et l'analyse de réseaux informatiques, le développement de protocoles, l'éducation et la rétro-ingénierie.


Fiddler est un outil de débogage http pour proxy. Il connecte tous les trafics http entre votre ordinateur et Internet. Fiddler permet d'inspecter tout le trafic http, de programmer des points d’arrêts (breakpoint) et de réparer “fiddle” les données entrant et sortante.

- [pypcap](,

  [Pcapy]( and
  [pylibpcap]( several different
  Python bindings for libpcap

- [libdnet]( low-level networking

  routines, including interface lookup and Ethernet frame transmission

- [dpkt]( fast, simple packet

  creation/parsing, with definitions for the basic TCP/IP protocols

- [Impacket](

  craft and decode network packets. Includes support for higher-level
  protocols such as NMB and SMB

- [pynids]( libnids wrapper offering

  sniffing, IP defragmentation, TCP stream reassembly and port scan

- [Dirtbags py-pcap]( read pcap

  files without libpcap

- [flowgrep]( grep through

  packet payloads using regular expressions

- [Knock Subdomain Scan](, enumerate

  subdomains on a target domain through a wordlist

- [SubBrute](, fast subdomain

  enumeration tool

- [Mallory](, extensible

  TCP/UDP man-in-the-middle proxy, supports modifying non-standard
  protocols on the fly

- [Pytbull]( flexible IDS/IPS testing

  framework (shipped with more than 300 tests)

- [Spoodle]( A mass subdomain + poodle

  vulnerability scanner

- [SMBMap](

  enumerate Samba share drives across an entire domain

- [Habu](

  python network hacking toolkit